24 Şubat 2009 Salı

[DUYURU] AFMM' ye Destek !!!

"Sevgili dostlarım;
Başkan yardımcısı olduğum Güney Doğu Avrupa Sinema Okulları
Birliğine üye olan Arnavutluk AFMM Film Akademisini Arnavutluk
hükümeti faşistçe davranarak cumartesi günü bastı ve okulu kapatmak
için elinden geleni yapıyor. Şu an yüzlerce öğrenci ve hoca okul
önünde protesto eyleminde. Dünya sinema okulları birliği bir kınama
mektubu oluşturdu ve imzaya açtı. 3 dakikanızı almayacak bir işlemle
siz de imzanızı atarsanız onca öğrencinin geleceğine belki de olumlu
bir katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Olayı şu an ABD, Almanya, İsviçre ve
Fransanın Tiran Büyükelçilikleri kınadı ve Başbakan ile
Cumhurbaşkanlarına mektup yazdı.

Şimdiden teşekkür ederim..."

To: President of Republic of Albania mr. Bamir Topi, Prime Minister of Albania mr. Sali Berisha

To: the President of the Republic of Albania Mr. Bamir Topi.

the Head of the Council of Ministers Mr. Sali Berisha.

We the signees of this petition, i.e. citizens, intellectuals, artists and students are fully aware of the fact that the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi is a national public asset, and an extremely important cradle of the Albanian culture and art.

AFMM is the only cinematographic institution that contributes to the education of the new generations in the whole in the region. AFMM is the representative symbol of the Western European values in Albania.

Based on the above we demand the following:

1. The immediate interruption and condemnation of the violence exerted by the State Police and the Culturural Administration against the Rector, students and the Academic Staff of AFMM;
2. The immediate initiation of the procedures for drafting and approving a Decision of the Council of Ministers (VKM) to legalize the premises requested by AFMM and its international partners since 2001;
3. The immediate and unconditional resignation of the Minister of anti-culture Ylli Pango, who dares to equalize culture and art to businesses and the trade market.


Dirigée au : Président de la République d’Albanie M. Bamir Topi

Premier Ministre M. Sali Berisha

Nous, signataires de cette pétition, citoyens, intellectuels, artistes et étudiants, conscients que l’Académie du Film & Multimédia MARUBI est une richesse publique nationale, une artère tellement importante de la culture et de l‘art albanais. AFMM est la seule institution cinématographique qui contribue à former les nouvelles générations de toute la région. AFMM est le symbole représentant des valeurs européennes occidentales en Albanie.

Ce faisant foi, nous vous demandons :

1. L’arrêt et la condamnation instantanée de la violence venant de la Police d’Etat et de l’administration culturelle envers le Recteur, les étudiants et les représentants académique de l’AFMM ;
2. La mise en route immédiate de la procédure de rédaction et approbation d’une décision des conseils des ministres, légalisant la surface demandée par l’AFMM et ses partenaires internationaux depuis l’année 2001 ;
3. La résignation immédiate et inconditionnelle du ministre anti-culture Ylli Pango, lequel ose comparer à titre égal la culture et l’art aux affaires et au commerce.



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